After the ’23 conference the following team was formed
Gabriele Soland (CH)
Chair and interim president at SICAMM.
- Biologist, researcher
- CEO of Apigenix, Institute for Beegenetics.
- Experienced beekeeper.
- Chair of old Sicamm foundation
- (Co)organizer of online conference in ’21 and Sicamm conference in Savoie in ’23
Available for SICAMM main board: Yes
Dr. Natuschka Lee (SE)
Interim Board Member
- Board member of the Swedish Mellifera organisation, Since 18th November 2023, elected as a Swedish representattive to SICAMM.
- Biologist and researcher, orcid number 0000-0003-3611-9882. Research topics: microbial ecology, pollination biology, entomology, biotechnology, geo/astrobiology.
- Beekeeper, manager of the Campus apiary at Umeå University, (Campus Bigården (,
- Coordinator of the interdisciplinary arthropod network at the campus in Northern Sweden, (Arthropodum (
- Chair person of the Northern Swedish Entomology Society, Norrlands Entomologiska Förening – Sveriges entomologiska förening (
- Collaborating and supporting member of the Finnish, Norwegian and Swiss Mellifera societies
Available for SICAMM main board: Yes
John Greenaway (IE)
Interim Board Member
Conservation Area Officer of Native Irish Honey Bee Society (NIHBS)
- Responsible to the NIHBS Main Committee
- Role within NIHBS is to expand both the numbers and variety of All Ireland Native Honey Bee Conservation Areas. There are currently over 200 NIHBS CA’s
- NIHBS Committee Member
- Kingdom Beekeepers, Kerry, Ireland – Committee Member
Hobby Beekeeper with an interest in Amm, Biodiversity, Organic Growing, Treatment Free
Available for SICAMM main board: Yes
Jo Widdicombe (UK)
Interim Board Member
- Beekeeper for nearly 40 years
- Former president of Bee Improvement & Bee Breeders Association (BIBBA)
- Environmental scientist.
Available for SICAMM main board: Yes
Philip Denwood (UK)
Board Member Old Sicamm
- Beekeeper and member of BIBBA since early 1970s.
- Served on BIBBA committee and edited BIBBA News magazine.
- Collected and edited the works of Beowulf Cooper, founder of BIBBA, and published them as The Honeybees of the British Isles in 1986.
- Attended SICAMM conferences in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France (Versailles), Poland, Switzerland, Netherlands, Finland.
- Helped to organise conferences in Aviemore, Scotland and Llangollen, Wales. Committee member since 2006.
Available for SICAMM main board: Yes